A documentary by Hélène Risser – 65 min

I grew up in eastern France, in a hospital inaugurated in 1973 by my parents, both psychiatrists. Breaking with the asylum tradition, they experimented new ways of treating patients.
Today, this hospital has changed: walls have risen, and doors have closed. Meeting the eyes of those who used to live there, and the ones who still do, children, adults, doctors and patients, I return onsite to revive the medical utopia of the 70s and to confront it to today’s reality of the hospital.
Festival du Film de Colmar – France
Broadcast on Public Sénat on February 15th, 2020 and on viàVosges on February 16th, 2020
In co-production with Public Sénat and viàVosges, with the participation of the Grand Est Television Network, with the participation of the CNC
With the support of the Grand Est Region and Strasbourg Eurométropole, in partnership with the CNC; Procirep – Société des Producteurs et de l'ANGOA