La Clairière is French for glade, a place of peace and light where the weary wanderer who tries to find his way through the thick forest can find peace, rest, or just a bit of blue sky.
LaClairière Production, and its branch LaClairière Ouest situated in Nantes, want to offer the same kind of haven to viewers and broadcasters in the luxurious world of production: enlightened movies, filled with the passion of their authors, and a fresh outlook on the world and society.
Whether it be fiction, documentaries, webdocumentaries, or commissioned movies we are working on, we are always touched by the strength of the topic and a special viewpoint.
We work with instinct, without preconceived ideas, because we come from very diverse backgrounds. What we really want is to make our projects coherent and to develop them.
This is why LaClairière Production imagines new ways to write movies, crossing boundaries between media... not to follow trends but to find our own balance.
We bear in mind the important role of authors and producers of images in society and we also offer our talents to help public institutions, private companies, and non-for-profit associations so they can meet their social goals.
Nous sommes membres de la Plateforme – Pôle cinéma audiovisuel des Pays de la Loire, du SPI – Syndicat des Producteurs Indépendants et de l’association LFA – Les Femmes s’animent.