A documentary by Egome Amah – 53 min – Collection Lumière du Monde

Ekoué, Leon, Blacky and Zorro live in Katanga, the fishermen’s slum of Lomé in Togo. They are nicknamed the “Hustlers”. The film depicts their struggle between surviving and sinking down.
Selections and Prizes
Etats Généraux du film documentaire 2014, (Lussas, France)
Visions du Réel 2014 – International Competition for medium-length Films (Nyon, Switzerland)
Festival du film documentaire de Saint-Louis 2014 – Official Selection (Senegal)
Anûû-rû Âboro, Festival international du film documentaire des peuples 2014 (Poindimiè – New Caledonia) – Prize of the Public
Black Movie Festival international du films indépendants 2015 (Geneva, Switzerland)
Festival de cinéma de Douarnenez 2015
Broadcast on RTS (Radio-télévision Suisse)
A La Maison du directeur / Merveilles Productions, TV Rennes 35 production
With the support of the CNC and Procirep-Angoa
With the support of the CNC and Procirep-Angoa